Zainab Qassim
Ms. Zainab brings over 16 years of professional experience in peacebuilding and development programming across Iraq. Throughout the years, she has held pivotal roles with key organizations, such as Mercy Corps and GIZ, working as a key expert in conflict management, conflict sensitivity, institutional development for civil society organizations, youth and women empowerment, and more. Since 2016, Ms. Zainab has made significant contributions in mediating complex local peace processes around the return and reintegration of families perceived to be affiliated with ISIS, within the framework of restorative justice and reconciliation. She also has an impressive track record in training and motivating younger generations to become credible and confident voices in their communities, advocating for their needs and rights.
As the Executive Director at Madarat, she is committed to steering the organization towards achieving its vision and strategic objectives while maintaining a productive organizational culture that is committed to the realization of sustainable peace and development in Iraq.